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Wall Street Journal
The New Rules for Night Owl Workers.
A year of quarantine has meant more flexibility for the people at their best late in the day, but working nontraditional hours requires some negotiation with team members

The Conversation
Morning lark or night owl? How our body clocks affect our mental and physical performance.
The old saying ‘the early bird catches the worm’ might be especially fitting when it comes to peak mental and physical performance.

Brain function of night owls and larks differ, study suggests.
The lead researcher, Dr Elise Facer-Childs, of the University of Birmingham's Centre for Human Brain Health, said the findings "could be partly driven by the fact that night owls tend to be compromised throughout their lives".

Simple tweaks can help night owls retrain their body clocks and enhance their well-being, study suggests.
Dr Facer-Childs says “By acknowledging these differences and providing tools to improve outcomes we can go a long way in a society that is under constant pressure to achieve optimal productivity and performance.”

Business Insider
Night owl/early bird relationships may not be destined to fail
"Like everything in a relationship, it’s about balance". This is what sleep scientist, Dr Elise Facer-Childs says you should do if you and your partner have different body clocks.

Becoming a morning person is possible. Here's how
Over three weeks, the subjects not only changed their behaviour, but their physiology and health outcomes; measuring their melatonin and cortisol, researchers found they had shifted their rhythms.

Night owls' brains work differently to early birds' — which could be why you struggle to get out of bed
The answer rests on far more than just what time you like to wake up or go to sleep: a new investigation reveals fundamental differences in the brains of so-called morning larks and night owls, which may explain why owls struggle to fit into a 9-to-5 society.

Bedtime 'has huge impact on sport'
Our internal body clock has such a dramatic impact on sporting ability that it could alter the chances of Olympic gold, say researchers.
The study, published in Current Biology, showed performance times varied by 26% throughout the day.

Wall Street Journal
Becoming a Morning Person Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Sleep and productivity experts weigh in on how to get your morning mojo back; ‘Whatever you do, don’t log on to your work email’